Land Registry and Cadastre Program
General Information
Land Registry and Cadastre Program is a program within the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, School of Technical Sciences, Iğdır University. It accepted its first students in the 2017-2018 academic year and continues its educational activities. The Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Land Registry and Cadastre Program employs 3 faculty members (1 Associate Professor, 1 Assistant Professor, and 1 Lecturer). The aim of the Land Registry and Cadastre program is to train intermediate manpower who will work on the basic rules regarding the keeping of land registry records and cadastral studies aimed at the creation of land registry records. An education-training curriculum appropriate to these purposes is created and is constantly updated in line with developing technology and needs. The aim of the Land Registry and Cadastre program is to train graduates who have sufficient professional knowledge, can continuously improve themselves in line with technological developments, have high application skills, and are professionally beneficial to their country.
Academic Staff
Assoc. Prof. Aliihsan ŞEKERTEKİN
Head of Department
476 213 00 10 Internal:
37 13
Course Catalog
Double Major / Minor Programs
Double Major Program: It allows students to earn a bachelor's degree in a field they are interested in, in addition to their primary field. In this program, students can complete courses in two different fields and earn a diploma in both fields.
Minor Program: It allows students to take a certain number of courses in a field they are interested in, outside of their major. Students who complete a minor program are given an official certificate in that field; however, this does not mean they have a second bachelor's degree.
- To access Double Major and Minor programs click here.
Exchange Programs
It offers students the opportunity to study at another university, either domestically or abroad, for a certain period of time. Thanks to these programs, students have the opportunity to learn about different cultures, develop their foreign language skills and gain international academic experience. The most common exchange programs include programs such as Erasmus+, Mevlana and Farabi.
- For Erasmus Program click here.
- For the Mevlana Program click here.
- For the Farabi Program click here.
Purpose and Objectives of the Program: The Land Registry and Cadastre associate degree program aims to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary for the reliable recording, protection and management of real estate property. The program prepares students for professional life by offering the opportunity to specialize in subjects such as land registry transactions, cadastral studies and land management. Another main goal is for students to achieve a level of competence that complies with legal regulations in the sector and follows technological innovations.
Current Situation and Future Vision: The program offers up-to-date projects and application-oriented education opportunities thanks to an experienced academic staff and strong relations with the sector. Students are encouraged to reinforce their theoretical knowledge in applied studies and to establish sectoral connections. In the future, it is planned to carry the program even further with targets such as developing digital land registry and cadastre services, increasing studies compatible with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and disseminating applications in line with international standards.
Professions Under the Field: Students who graduate from the program can work in different professions with the title of Land Registry and Cadastre Technician. They can work in various positions in institutions such as land registry offices, municipalities, land and real estate management companies. With the innovations that digitalization has brought to the sector, new career paths in the field of land registry transactions, digital data management and mapping will also gain importance in the future.
Job Opportunities: Graduates of the Land Registry and Cadastre program have a wide range of job opportunities in the public and private sectors. They can be employed in institutions such as Land Registry and Cadastre Directorates, municipalities, construction and real estate companies. The program is renewed to respond to the changing needs in the sector, thus increasing the employment opportunities of graduates.
Adress : Şehit Bülent Yurtseven Campus Technical Sciences Vocational School, Suveren, Iğdır
- Call Center: 444 9 447
Phone: +90 476 223 00 10 - 34 10 - Fax: +90 476 223 00 17
- Email:
Program Introduction Presentation
It is a presentation prepared to introduce the basic features, educational opportunities and objectives of a department or program.
- Adres : Şehit Bülent Yurtseven Kampüsü, Tuzluca Meslek Yüksekokulu Müdürlüğü
- Çağrı Merkezi : 444 9 447
Telefon: +90 476 223 00 10 - 3405 - Faks: +90 476 223 00 17
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